Choice, personal assistance, accessibility of services and shared facilities

In a society in which the right of people with disabilities to a full life is fully realized, all three requirements are successfully met: access to services and collective facilities is constantly expanding, the availability of personal assistance for people with disabilities contributes to reducing the social gap and their inclusion in society, and people with disabilities themselves have the broadest possible freedom to choose services and methods of their provision.

The main indicator of how effectively this right is implemented is the real life experience of people with disabilities themselves. If we use the language of the leaders of the network of people with disabilities to protect their rights, then the main questions would be as follows: “Have the lives of people with disabilities become more comfortable and satisfactory from the standpoint of their own perceptions? Who bears the main responsibility? Do people with disabilities have more freedom of choice and control over their lives? How full and meaningful is their participation in society? How authentic is their relationship?”